Monday, 26 September 2011

Preliminary Task- 2 Minute Video Trailer

Name: (To be announced)
Runtime: 2minutes (max)
Genre: Action
Characters: The Inspector, Shadow, Rogue Officer.
Setting: A dark corridor leading to a bare room.

Plot: An inspector is sent to investigate the murder of an ex-convict who was gunned down in a brutal drive-by two weeks previous. All evidence points to none other than the inspectors previous colleague, who turned rogue after his brother was man-slaughtered by a gang.

History: After this, he went rogue and vowed to hunt down his brothers murderer: legal or not. He lost his job and went on a violent hunt for the man who took the life of his sibling, and his friend (The Inspector) has to investigate the murders of the people Rogue has killed.

Overview: The Inspector goes to a desolate asylum of which he was told that rogue was hiding, locates him in a room and sits briefly with him, before handing him a copy of a legal document that makes Rogue jump up and pull out a gun. The Inspector did the same thing in synchronization with his ex-partner, and then the screen turns to a black frame, and you hear a gunshot, who dies?


  1. I think your preliminary task is waaay too complicated !
    The task is only for us to get used to the main features etc. before the real thing !
    But then again , this is just as important ahaa !

  2. Yeah I wasn't actually aware of that at first haha. I have redrafted my ideas and will post my new storyboards over the weekend probably.
